Shooting every Saturday and Thursday from 10:00 to 18:00 for members of the KSI club.
Shooting at the shooting range from 10:00 to 18:00 from Monday to Friday by appointment at least one day in advance and when renting the entire axis.
In order to use the shooting range from Monday to Friday, please write to the club’s address or call 889 254 486.
Price list:
a) entry to the shooting range – PLN 30
b) darts – 60 gr
c) paper target – PLN 1
d) the shooter – PLN 30/1 hour
e) renting a shooting range – please contact us by phone
Rules for the use of the shooting range by visitors:
– we take all kinds of rubbish with us
– take clean and shot paper targets and cardboard liners to the container! If they stay on the stands, they get wet in the rain and run down to the ground.
– if you want to bring a pot, frying pan, TV or other device for shooting, it is possible, but we take the remains home with us
– the use of protective glasses and headphones is required at all times during the shooting and during the observation of the shooters
– entering the shooting book is obligatory!
– the shooting range administrator may request access to the document confirming personal data (ID card, driving license, passport)
– each axis must have its own shooter (e.g. one of the people from the group who wants to enter and shoot on the axis must have a shooting director)
– self-shooting only with the shooting document
– the cost of service by the shooting operator is PLN 30 per hour
– shooting targets from the throwing machine straight only after consulting the administrator
– shooting professional darts only after contacting the administrator
– collecting accessories at the shooting range only on the basis of a notebook from the shooting range administrator and returning the complete equipment
– accessories on the shooting range are:
a) shield stands
(b) different types of paper targets
c) IDPA metal gongs
d) a dartboard machine
– shooting metal targets from a rifle at least from a distance of 40m, from a pistol at least from a distance of 10m
– metal targets are adapted to be shot at them with a maximum of intermediate ammunition without a core!
– if you destroy any device on the shooting range, you have to buy it back!